4 Steps to Help Your Cope with Fear While Running a Business

Fear is one of the most common emotions I hear entrepreneurs struggle with.

If you’re reading this and you’re running a business or you’re about to launch your very first product, course, or pop up, do me a huge favor and read on.

I’m going to give you 4 actionable steps to help you cope with fear and maybe even come to appreciate fear.

Fear is a natural part of being a human. It’s helped us survive, thrive and evolve for a long time on this planet.

It can protect us from real danger. Fear is what makes you step back from that cliff or move swiftly across the street and not get hit by a passing truck. 

Fortunately, for most of you reading this, the daily fear in our lives is either made up or overblown.

Here are some common fears I hear expressed by my clients over and over:

  • I’m afraid what people will think if I… (fill in the blank)

  • I’m afraid I’ll fail.

  • I’m afraid of losing control if I delegate.

  • I’m afraid people won’t like me.

  • I’m afraid if I really go for it and do my business full time I’ll fail and lose everything.

Any of these sound familiar?

Not to worry! We all struggle with these fears. It’s our brain’s natural defense mechanism. 

Our brain wants us to…

  • stay safe and

  • use as little energy as possible, just to make sure we don't starve in the next famine. 

Sorry, brain, probably not going to happen.

Our brain does not distinguish between REAL threats like the swiftly passing truck in front of us and perceived threats like our entire IG audience unfollowing us in one fell swoop (oh, the horror that would be! But actually not really - believe it or not, we’d survive).

So, my friend, your job is to acknowledge fear, not run from it, and do your scary thing anyways.

This is easier said than done, I know. But I’m here to be your guide.

Here are 4 steps to help you cope with the fear that comes along with entrepreneurship:

Step #1 for coping with fear while running a business: allow yourself to feel fear.

When it comes to business, there are things we need to do that feel scary. 

We know we won’t die if we do them and we just might propel our business forward because of these scary things.

Your first step is to feel the fear. Just sit still when the emotion comes up and notice how it feels in your body. 

You don’t need it to go away. You can be scared and do the things you need to do anyway.

Step #2 for coping with fear while running a business:: allow fear to come along for the ride but don’t let it steer the ship.

One of the big misperceptions about business or striving for our goals is that we shouldn’t feel fear. 

We think once we are “ready” we won’t feel fear. We think that people who are out there doing the things we want to do aren’t afraid. Let me debunk that myth right now: It’s not that they have gotten over their fear, it’s that we’re all scared and doing it anyway. 

Let fear be there right alongside of you but be clear it cannot steer the ship!

Step #3 for coping with fear while running a business:: lessen the fear by doing the scary things. 

The only way to get fear to lessen is to do the things that make you fearful over and over and over until you train your brain that “it’s ok, I got this”. 

Let me give you an example. I sell custom wedding packages in my floral design business, Turnstone Farm. For years I was afraid of sales calls. But I kept doing them and practicing. Bombing some, getting the sale, not getting the sale, reading sales books, wishing I just had a sales team darn-it! 

A few months ago someone asked me what my favorite part of my business was and guess what I said? 


It just spilled out of my mouth! I couldn't believe it! 

I’m living proof that this works. My next big fear to work through: going live on Instagram. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes.

Step #4 for coping with fear while running a business: Let fear be your guide.

More often than not, what we’re afraid of in our business is where we need to be spending our time. Move toward the fear and see where your business goes.

Now it’s your turn.

Write down 5-10 things that you need to do in your life or business that you’re afraid of doing.

These are the tasks you need to be focusing on again and again.


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